The Seventh KCCAA Community Service Award Announcement

In 2010, the Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA) established an annual KCCAA Community Service Award to encourage primary and secondary school students in the greater Kansas City area to develop stronger awareness of public service and to participate actively in community service. In the past several years we have seen an increasing number of young students engaging in volunteer work, particularly under the leadership of KCCAA Youth Hope Fund. More and more of our young people have come to know the personal satisfaction of helping others. In order to honor the unselfish efforts of these young people and, in hopes of encouraging others to follow their examples, KCCAA will offer recognition to some of the most outstanding efforts by the young people in our community to help others. To emphasize the intrinsic rewards of community service, the awardees will be given plaques, scholarships (amount to be determined), and will be honored on stage at this year’s Spring Festival Gala.

This award may be offered to any primary or secondary school student in the greater Kansas City area and any qualified student may apply.

Requirements: an applicant must:

  1. Be an elementary or secondary school student (grades 1 through 12).
  2. Have participated in some form of voluntary work or community service (without compensation) during the past year.

Evaluation criteria for awards:

Service activities that emphasize service to others in need will be valued over experiences that are designed primarily as learning experiences for the student. Quantity of hours of service will not necessarily be more highly valued than quality but consistent patterns of service to others will be valued by the judges. Initiative and (age-appropriate) leadership and organization in group efforts to serve others will also be noted. Fundraising activities to benefit others will be viewed as worthwhile but (age-appropriate) direct service to others may, in some cases, be viewed as having more enduring significance for the student applicants.

Application procedures: Submit a one to three page application letter by email to by January 20, 2017. The application statement should include the student’s name, school, and their school’s contact information; a list of the student’s community service experiences during 2016, with a description of each community service experience; the student’s perspective of the benefit of the service to those served, and the student’s reflections on lessons learned from his or her service experience(s). Please also include the name and contact information for the supervisor of each community service experience.

Applications must be received by Friday, January 20th, 2017. The Community Service Awards Committee of the Kansas City Chinese American Association will review the applications and determine the final list of awardees. The awards will be presented in a ceremony to be held during the KCCAA Chinese New Year Gala on January 28th, 2017 at JCCC Yardley Hall.

Please submit applications to January 20th, 2017.


为鼓励大堪城地区中小学生培养公共服务意识,积极参加社区服务,堪城中美联合会于2010年特别设立年度KCCAA社区服务奖。在过去几年中我们高兴地看到在堪城中美联合会青少年希望基金会的带领下,越来越多的年轻学生投入到义务服务。越来越多的青少年感受到了帮助他人带给自己的成就感. 为了表彰这些青少年的无私奉献, 也为了鼓励更多的青少年投入到社区服务的活动中, 堪城中美联合将会表彰在过去一年社区活动的表现出色的青少年们,颁发社区服务奖励,获奖人将收到奖牌, 奖金(具体数量待定), 并有机会在我们一年一度的春节晚会的舞台上接受堪城中美社区的认可。









申请程序: 申请人请于2017年1月20日前提交一份一到三页的申请信到以下信箱: kccaa.award@gmail.com申请信请列明申请人姓名,学校,电话和email地址, 2016年社区服务的经验总结, 讲述自己所做的工作和心得体会,同时也请提供所做社区服务工作负责人或联系人姓名和联系方式。
