Although KCCAA was the leading organization for the earthquake school-rebuild donation campaign, donations received by KCCAA were only a small piece of the whole pie. It was agreed that school project committee has the final decision on fund allocation and project execution based on the donation amount from each party of the school committee. 7 voting seats were allocated within the committee (See below):
- Donations from Black & Veatch: total $17,353.16 – 2 voting seats
- Donations from Waddell & Reed Financial: total $72,950.00 – 3 voting seats
- Donations from KCCA: total $12,695.92, and breakdowns are as follows: – 1 voting seat
- Donations from KCP&L: total $945.00
- Individual Donations: total $9,679.00
- Donations from KC area Kids: total $71.08
- PayPal Donations: total $1,305.00
- Donations from Loving Chocolate Bar Campaign: total $725.915
- Donations from Leyue Choir: total $1,350.00
- Donations from Edgar Snow Memorial Fund: total $1,500.00
- Confucius Institute – 1 voting seats – No money contribution, but will lead the education and culture exchange program between the school and KC area after the school is built.