[Feb. 6 2010] As many of you know, currently there are two organizations in the area with almost identical names. This has caused much confusion. Feb. 1 2010, the Board of Directors of KCCA proposed a name change to help remove any further confusion. The reaction and feedback from the public for the proposed name “Kansas City Chinese American Association” (KCCAA) has been very positive and constructive.
Our reasons behind the name change are as follows.
1. The new name will help create a harmonious environment for the local Chinese community. Even though it was this board that created the name KCCA three years ago, and it is near and dear to our members’ hearts, the board has decided to give up this highly recognized name to prevent more confusion and conflict.
2. The new name can better represent our organization’s current and future state. The new name has broader appeal to individuals, families and organizations. We would like to welcome everyone including individuals and families who are Chinese from various places, Chinese Americans, families with Chinese children or anyone who love Chinese culture and want to be part of our organization. Chinese culture has a vast and rich root. Its inclusiveness reaches beyond Chinese descendants and the culture heritage belongs to the entire world. Our new name transcends the “Exclusive Chinese Club” image and reaches to the mainstream society. We also hope the new name and “new” organization will be a catalyst to melting communities and cultures together and building more understanding. In one or two decades, when the 2nd or 3rd generations of Chinese Americans become community organizers, this name will be even more fitting.
3. The new name will help us operate more effectively. With IRS approved 501C (3) status, we believe our new name will have broader appeal to the public for fund raising. This will help support our charters (charity, education and culture exchange) as well as community services. Our near and longer term plan includes:
- Organize and improve Chinese New Year Celebration and other Chinese festival activities
- Organize and promote culture exchange in Kansas City from China and/or other states in the US
- Youth Summer Camp programs both in China and US
- Connect schools in Kansas City area and schools in China (such as sister schools)
- Support Kansas City Friendship School (which we funded and named) in China and other selected schools in the future. Provide student scholarship, books and equipment. Organize student visits etc.
- Support disadvantaged students with school material, facilitate members sponsorship for students in poverty to help them thrive
- Organize member benefit seminars on financial planning, investment, health, education etc.
- Hold an annual local passport renewal event
- Organize community activities
Our new name “Kansas City Chinese American Association” becomes effective on Feb. 7, 2010. The Board of Directors of the new KCCAA appreciates all the support from our communities and look forward to continuing serving our communities in the future.
正如会员所 知,目前有两个华人组织有着极其相似的名字。不论事情产生的原因如何,名字的雷同已给会员造成很大的困惑。为解决此问题,二月一日,理事会向广大会员征求 改名意向。建议将原名“Kansas City Chinese Association(KCCA), 堪城中华联合会“ 改为:“Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA), 堪城中美联合会”。群众对此名反应非常积极,并提出了许多建设性的反馈。以下为我们对新名称的三点看法:
1.尽管KCCA早已被广大会员 认知和熟悉,为了保护华人社区的安定与和谐,理事会决定做出退让,放弃此名。
2.理事会认 为此名称将更适合我们组织的现状和发展。新的名称将会吸引更多的个人,家庭 和机构关注并加入我们的联合会。这其中包括堪城广大华人,中美联姻家庭,收养中国孩子家庭,世界各地华人 及喜爱中华文化并热心参与华人活动的美国人和拥有美国国籍的各国人士。中华文化博大精深。它的巨大的包容性告诉我们这份遗产不仅属于华人,而且属于全世 界。新的名称会彻底改变我们单一华人俱乐部的表象,并扩大我们的影响,使我们华人社区更快地融入主流社会,同时让主流社会更多地了解中华文化。也希望冀这 个新的名称,我们这个组织能为堪城社区的族群融合起到一点催化作用。此外,再过十年,二十年,我们的第二代甚至第三代移民将步入成年人社会。华人组织是连 接华人社区的钮带。我们第一代移民迟早都会退出这个舞台,而这些土生土长的后来者对华人组织以至中华文化的认知将决定未来华人社区的兴衰。我们认为这个新 的名称将会获得绝大多数后来者的认同。
3.由于去年KCCA被美国IRS 批准为501C(3)机构,新的名称KCCAA使我们有更多机会扩大募捐范围以达到我们在开展慈善,教育,文化交流活动的同时更好地服务社区的目的。我们 的近期和远期计划包括:
- 进一步办好每年的大型迎春晚会和其它传统节庆活动
- 定期组织州内外和国内外的业余 及专业文艺团体来堪城表演
- 协助堪城中小学校在中国寻求合适的学校建立姊妹学校
- 进一步赞助堪城友谊小学 和其他获选的学校,包括提供奖学金和学习用具,组织学生互访等
- 提供贫困学生资料,协助会员助养贫困学生,开展帮贫活动
- 组织中小 学生去外州或中国夏令营
- 定期举办金融,投资,教育,健康,理财等方面的讲座
- 每年一次为会员办理护照服务
- 定期组织 各种社区活动
新名称“堪城 中美联合会”(KCCAA)于2010年二月七日正式生效。堪城中美联合会理事会衷心希望广大会员以及堪城华人社区继续支持和协助本会,积极参与和帮助本 会为社区组织的活动。为中美两国人民的友谊,为增进两国在文化,教育等各方面的交流与合作,为建立一个和谐,幸福的堪城华人社区,与我们一道并肩前进。