共渡难关 守望相助倡议书
两个月前,国内武汉等地冠状病毒疫情严峻,KCCAA向堪城华人发出捐款购物倡议后,得到了大家云集响应,总共筹得善款约$23000,2月上旬我们争分夺秒购买了4000多个护目镜,支援了10家武汉和周边地区医院,过些天我们会将详细情况公告给大家。如大家所知,目前国内疫情得到很好的控制,防护用品得到很大改善,日前支援国内的航空运输非常有限,可疫情在全球扩散,在美蔓延,纽约已经进入重大灾难紧急状况,最近 KCCAA再度收到广大华人的呼吁和医疗工作者的请求支援,我们决定紧急行动起来,向缺乏物资的美国医疗机构伸出援手,经过KCCAA board 讨论,提议将后续收到善款约$8000用于支援美国本土医护人员抗疫,希望得到大家的理解和支持。
Two months ago, the outbreak of the coronavirus spread quickly in Wuhan and other places in China. KCCAA called for a donation among the local Chinese community to purchase medical goggles to send back to China, We, overwhelmingly received a great deal of support from everyone in the area, raising a total of approximately $ 23,000. In early February we purchased more than 4,000 medical goggles supporting 10 hospitals in Wuhan and surrounding areas. We will announce more of the details in a few days. Thankfully, the current situation in China has been reported to be well under control and the protective equipment supply has been greatly improved. However, the pandemic has spread globally, including the United States. Now KCCAA is calling on our Chinese community, friends and businesses in the greater Kansas City area again. This time it is to support our local medical workers. We decided to act urgently to reach out to our local medical institutes that are facing supply shortages of protective equipment. The KCCAA board proposed to use the remaining funds from our fundraising efforts for Wuhan to now support our local medical staff fighting the pandemic.
America is where we live and the home we love and believe our help is needed right now! KCCAA calls on our Chinese community, friends and local businesses to continue donating and to show our love and care to the local community in supporting our local health care workers and offering our sincere support to fight this epidemic. We hope to get your generous support!
捐款最佳方法将钱放入KCCAA PayPal 账户,请选项朋友可以避免手续费为慈善捐款,并告知姓名以便记录:Kccaa20@gmail.com
The best way to donate is to put money into your KCCAA PayPal account. Please choose a friend to avoid handling fees for charitable donations, and tell your name to record: Kccaa20@gmail.com
Or make a check to:
14336 Kessler St
Overland Park. KS66283
Thank you everyone for your support. United We Stand Against COVID-19