2017 KCCAA Passport/Visa Pickup Notice

For applicants who have submitted your passport and Chinese visa application to KCCAA in October 2017, please pick up your passport/visa at below location and time:

Location: Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church

                 10101 England Dr., Overland Park, KS 66212  

Time: Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017, 1:30 – 3:30PM

You may also visit our website at kccaa.org for more information.

KCCAA 1021日的护照/签证活动中递交有关护照/签证材料的申请人,请在以下时间地点领取护照/签证。

地点: 以马内利华人浸洗会

         10101 England Dr., Overland Park, KS 66212

时间: 114 星期六下午130pm-330pm



KCCA / KCCAA Passport / Visa Event

Saturday, October 21, 2017


为了更好服务领区广大侨胞,芝加哥总领馆 将于2017年10月21日赴堪萨斯州受理中国公民的护照、旅行证及在境外居住人员领取养老金资格审核表申请。本次活动由堪城华人协会(KCCA)和堪城中美联合会(KCCAA),  以下简称 “协办方”, 联合举办,具体安排和有关事项如下:


办证时间:10月21日(周六)9:00 – 16:00

办证地点:10101 England Dr., Overland Park, KS 66212

协办方:堪城华人协会(KCCA), 堪城中美联合会(KCCAA)

联系人:David Cheng (913) 957-1437, Forest Rong (913) 593-8059




  1. 本次办证只受理中国公民护照、中国公民旅行证,及在境外居住人员领取养老金资格审核表申请。
  2. 为提高效率,减少现场等待时间,请办理护照、旅行证业务的申请人通过护照预约系统(网址:http://ppt.mfa.gov.cn)提前在网上预约。
  3. 预约系统将于9月29日10:00AM开放,预约时请选择预约时间“10月21日”,办证地点“仅限堪萨斯预约办证”,并预约办理时段。预约成功后,请按提示,打印出带有条形码的预约申请表(届时将作为预约凭证),按照预约的时间段前往现场办证地点办理。10月19日预约系统自动关闭。原则上,没有网上预约的护照、旅行证申请,现场将不予受理。
  4. 每人限预约1次,如一个家庭有多人申请,请按照实际办证人数分别预约。
  5. 办证所需费用由申请人直接支付给总领馆(Money Order 或 Cashier’s Check)。
  6. 由于对电子护照的照片要求十分严格,为提高办证效率,节省时间,“协办方” (KCCA, KCCAA)将现场提供高质量的照相服务,确保照片符合总领馆要求 。现场照相每人$15。
  7. 除了付给总领馆的办证费用, “协办方” (KCCA, KCCAA)将对办理护照、旅行证者收取办证和场地等费用每本$25,只接受现金或个人支票(make check payable to “KCCA”)。
  8. 请大家仔细阅读总领馆网页上《中国驻芝加哥总领馆将赴堪萨斯州提供现场办证服务》通知,并按照其规定和要求准备和提供申请材料。




  1. 在芝加哥总领馆办证的当天,为方便社区,“协办方” (KCCA, KCCAA)将代办赴华签证。具体申请材料及收费要求,请参照总领馆网页如下:


  1. 除了总领馆要求的签证费用,“协办方” (KCCA, KCCAA)将收取代办手续费 $35(会员或非会员)。
  2. 请将代办手续费和总领馆要求的签证费用一起支付给 “协办方” (KCCA, KCCAA),只接受现金或个人支票(make check payable to “KCCAA”)。然后由 “协办方” (KCCA, KCCAA)统一支付总领事馆要求的签证费用。
  3. 申请人不需要回邮信封,签证办完后,总领馆会把护照及签证交由“协办方” (KCCA, KCCAA)统一发放。
  4. 更多信息请浏览 “协办方” (KCCA, KCCAA)的官方网站:kcca-online.org or kccaa.org。



2017 KCCA/KCCAA Passport/Visa Event

To better serve oversea Chinese, the Chinese Consulate General in Chicago will come to the State of Kansas on Saturday October 21, 2017 to process the application for Chinese Passport, Travel Document, and other documents. This event will be cohosted by Kansas City Chinese Association (KCCA) and Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA).

1. Event

Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm on Saturday October 21st, 2017

Location: 10101 England Dr., Overland Park, KS 66212

Coordinator: Kansas City Chinese Association (KCCA), Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA)

Contact: David Cheng (913) 957-1437, Forest Rong (913) 593-8059

Email: kccaks@gmail.com

2. Document and Fees

Please refer the information listed on the Consulate General website:


  1. The applicants will need to pay Money Order or Cashier’s Check directly to “Chinese Consulate General in Chicago” for the required passport and/or travel document fee.

3. Service Fee

Passport and Travel Document: $25 for member and non-member, cash or personal check (make check payable to “KCCA”).

4. Chinese Visa

For the convenience of the community, KCCA & KCCAA (Hereinafter referred to as “co-organizers”) will accept the application to Chinese Visa. Please refer the information listed in the Consulate General’s website:


In addition to the visa fee required by the Consulate General, service fee of $35 for member and non-member will be collected by “co-organizers”.

Please combine the service fee (by “co-organizers”) and the required visa fee (by Consulate General) together and make payment to “KCCAA”, cash or personal checks are accepted. The “KCCAA” will issue the payment required for visa to Consulate General in Chicago.

No need for return envelope, and the passport/visa will be distributed to you by “co-organizers” after the visa was issued by Consulate General in Chicago.


KCCAA Education Seminar Series – How To Prepare Your Child For High School

Good news! KCCAA will host another education seminar in August.  With school starting next week, some kids will begin high school this fall. Everyone knows high school is not easy.  How do you help your kids get prepared?  Dr. Da-Ming Zhu will talk about the things parents should know about high school life and will answer your questions.

When: Saturday Aug. 19th, 2017

Time: 2:30pm – 3:30pm

Where:   Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church, Room 101

10101 England Dr Overland ParkKS 66212

Presenter: Dr. Da-Ming Zhu


Spring 2017 KCCAA Chinese Visa Day Notice

When: Saturday, April 15, 2017, 1:30 – 3:30pm

Where: Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church, 10101 England Dr, Overland Park, KS 66212
Service Items: Chinese visa only (no Chinese passport, or travel certificate, etc.)

For visa information and required documents for each visa type, please refer the information listed in the Consulate General’s website:


Visa and Service Fees: The required visa fees are $140 for US Citizen, and $90 for non-US Citizen. In addition to the visa fee required by the Consulate General, service fee of $40 for member and $50 for non-member per passport/applicant will be collected by KCCAA.

Please combine the required visa fee (to Consulate General) and service fee (to KCCAA) together and make one payment to “KCCAA”. Cash or personal checks are accepted. Credit cards are NOT accepted.

No need for return envelope, and the passport/visa will be distributed to you by KCCAA in two (2) weeks. Please come and bring your receipt to pick up your passport/visa on Saturday 29, 2017, 1:30 – 3:30pm.


时间周六, 二零一七年四月十五日, 下午 1:30 – 3:30

地点以马内利华人浸信会, 10101 England Dr, Overland Park, KS 66212
服务项目: 只受理中国签证 (不受理中国护照, 旅行证, 及养老金资格审核的服务)

为方便社区, 堪城中美联合会(KCCAA)将代办赴华签证。具体申请材料及收费要求, 请参照中国芝加哥总领馆网页如下:


签证及服务费用: 除了领事馆要求的签证费($140美国护照,$90其他非美国护照)以外, 堪城中美联合会将对每本护照/申请人收取相应代办手续费, $40 (会员),$50 (非会员).

请将签证费和代办手续费一起付给堪城中美联合会(KCCAA), 接受现金或个人支票付款,不收信用卡。然后由堪城中美联合会统一支付领事馆要求的签证费用.

申请人不需要回邮信封.签证办完后, 堪城中美联合会将派人赴中国驻芝加哥总领馆领取护照及签证, 并统一发放. 请于二零一七年四月二十九日下午 1:30 – 3:30凭办理收据来领取护照/签证.


The Seventh KCCAA Community Service Award Announcement

In 2010, the Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA) established an annual KCCAA Community Service Award to encourage primary and secondary school students in the greater Kansas City area to develop stronger awareness of public service and to participate actively in community service. In the past several years we have seen an increasing number of young students engaging in volunteer work, particularly under the leadership of KCCAA Youth Hope Fund. More and more of our young people have come to know the personal satisfaction of helping others. In order to honor the unselfish efforts of these young people and, in hopes of encouraging others to follow their examples, KCCAA will offer recognition to some of the most outstanding efforts by the young people in our community to help others. To emphasize the intrinsic rewards of community service, the awardees will be given plaques, scholarships (amount to be determined), and will be honored on stage at this year’s Spring Festival Gala.

This award may be offered to any primary or secondary school student in the greater Kansas City area and any qualified student may apply.

Requirements: an applicant must:

  1. Be an elementary or secondary school student (grades 1 through 12).
  2. Have participated in some form of voluntary work or community service (without compensation) during the past year.

Evaluation criteria for awards:

Service activities that emphasize service to others in need will be valued over experiences that are designed primarily as learning experiences for the student. Quantity of hours of service will not necessarily be more highly valued than quality but consistent patterns of service to others will be valued by the judges. Initiative and (age-appropriate) leadership and organization in group efforts to serve others will also be noted. Fundraising activities to benefit others will be viewed as worthwhile but (age-appropriate) direct service to others may, in some cases, be viewed as having more enduring significance for the student applicants.

Application procedures: Submit a one to three page application letter by email to kccaa.award@gmail.com by January 20, 2017. The application statement should include the student’s name, school, and their school’s contact information; a list of the student’s community service experiences during 2016, with a description of each community service experience; the student’s perspective of the benefit of the service to those served, and the student’s reflections on lessons learned from his or her service experience(s). Please …