Kansas City Chinese Speech Contest – Final Competition January 31, 2015 at Chinese New Year Celebration

For Youth, University Students, and Adults

Information and Registration Form

Sponsored by the Confucius Institute of the University of Kansas, the Center for East Asian Studies of the University of Kansas

And the Kansas City Chinese American Association


Preliminary Competition by Video Submission Due

Friday, January 23, 2015 8:00pm


Final Competition January 31, 2015

9:00am to 11:30am, Awards Ceremony at 12:00pm

Johnson County Community College (exact times to be confirmed)


Eligibility: Students currently enrolled in a Chinese program in any K12 school, university, or Chinese weekend school (or homeschool Chinese program), and adult learners are eligible. All contestants must be recommended by their respective Chinese language teacher (can be parent/homeschool teacher).


Please email the form below (can be in the body of an email) as instructed. Contestants should then submit a video entry by uploading it onto YouTube using the “Unlisted” privacy setting, then email the link to your video to ciku@ku.edu.

Here is a link to the YouTube help page on Unlisted videos: http://preview.tinyurl.com/bgp6cqt


In your email with the link, please include the following text:

By emailing the link to my “Unlisted” YouTube video, I hereby give permission for Kansas City Chinese Speech Contest judges to view and judge my speech competition entry.


The top contestants in each division will be invited to compete in the finals at Johnson County Community College on January 31, 2015.


Technical requirements:

Please record your video in MPEG-4. Do not add background music or other sound effects; Do not use PowerPoint, props, or other visual aids; Outdoor or indoor backgrounds are acceptable. A quiet environment, with as little ambient noise as possible, is recommended. Videocamera angle should show the speaker’s head and shoulders (or from the waist up).


All speeches should be memorized and delivered in Mandarin Chinese without notes, printed materials, or Powerpoint. The contestant should compose his or her original speech. Speeches may quote other authors’ works but the majority of the work should be original. The contestant’s teacher may check the accuracy of the speech and suggest edits consistent with the student’s level of training.  


The speech time limits and themes for each division are listed below.


It is the responsibility of the contestant’s teacher to place each student in the most appropriate category commensurate with the student’s training.  The organizing committee, however, reserves the …