KCCAA Education Seminar Series – Advanced Placement Courses and Examinations for High School Students

Advanced Placement Courses and Examinations for High School Students

By Professor Jiang Yu, Fitchburg State University and College Board

Time: 7:30pm Tuesday, June 9th

Location: Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church

                10101 England Dr Overland Park, KS 66212

Advanced Placement (AP) is a program created by the College Board, which offers college-level curricula and examinations to high school students. American colleges and universities often grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on the examinations.  More importantly, American colleges and universities have been increasingly using AP examination scores as a criteria in admission decisions of the admission processes. 

In this talk, Professor Jiang Yu will present a general overview about Advanced Placement program.  She will talk in details about Advanced Placement examinations in physics and recent changes.

Professor Yu currently teaches at Fitchburg State University in Massachusetts.  She also works for College Board and Princeton Review and is in charge of administrating Advanced Placement Examinations in Physics for many years.  Prior to coming to the United States, Professor Yu taught in Tibet University in China.  Professor Yu is a very experienced college professor and educator, and has a very unique view about American’s high school and college education.   


KCCAA 系列教育讲座之一 : 高中AP课和AP考试


时间:6月9日 星期二 晚上 7:30

地点:以马内利华人浸洗会 (10101 England Dr Overland Park, KS 66212)



2015 KCCAA Spring Visa Day Reminder

The 2015 KCCAA Spring Visa Event will be held in Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church (10101 England Dr, Overland Park, KS 66212) on Saturday March 28th between 1:30 and 4:30pm.

In order to better serve the local community, and have an efficient process, please note below items:

  • The service is open to the public, and whoever needs visa to visit China.
  • The service is for the visa to visit China only, NO Chinese passport renewal, travel certificate, and/or authentication service during this event.
  • The Consulate-General of China in Chicago has updated the detailed information related to the application process, including visa type, validity, and required documents for each visa type, and fees. Please refer attached link for detailed information: http://www.chinaconsulatechicago.org/eng/ywzn/qzhz/qz/

·         Effective November 12, 2014 and based on the new reciprocal visa agreement between US and China, most US passport holders are eligible for 10-year multiple-entry visas. For US passport holder, the required fee is $140. Please prepare money order and/or cashier’s check for the fees required for the visa application, and make it payable to “Chinese Consulate General”.

·         Effective March 9, 2015 and based on the new agreement between Canada and China, Canada passport holders are eligible for the visa with the validity period of up to 10 years. For Canada passport holder, the required fee is $80. Please prepare money order and/or cashier’s check for the fees required for the visa application, and make it payable to “Chinese Consulate General”.

  • KCCAA will review each application, collect required fees, and deliver the received passports to The Consulate-General of China in Chicago directly without going through third party.
  • KCCAA will notify you the detailed location and time to pick up your passport and visa, when the visa were issued and the passports were received, in approximately in 1-2 weeks.
  • KCCAA Processing Fee (Cash/Check/Money Order): $40 (KCCAA member) and $50 (Non-member) per passport. The KCCAA membership ($10 per family for 2015) can be purchased during the visa event.

As a 501C (3) registered non-profit associate, Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA) is dedicated to celebrate Chinese heritage and serve local Chinese and American communities. As KCCAA member, you will receive the discount processing fees for this visa event, as well as discounts on processing fee for passport event, annual Chinese New Year Celebration Gala tickets, and many local vendors. Also, the KCCAA membership is for the whole family,

2015 KCCAA Spring Visa Day Notice

2015 KCCAA Spring Visa Day Notice


When: Saturday, March 28th, 1:30 – 4:30pm

Where: Emmanuel Chinese Baptist Church
(10101 England Dr, Overland Park, KS 66212)
Service Items: Chinese visa only (no Chinese passport, or travel certificate, etc.)
Visa Fees: Follow the consulate office requirements, prepare money order or cashier's check
written to "Chinese Consulate General Office in Chicago"


Basic Documents

  • Original passport with at least six (6) months of remaining validity.
  • One completed visa application form, and one color passport photo
  • Proof of legal stay or residence status (applicable to those not applying for the visa in their country of citizenship)
  • Photocopy of previous Chinese passport or previous Chinese visa (applicable to foreign citizens those who were Chinese citizen and have obtained foreign citizenship)

Supporting Documents (Refer to the Consulate website for details)


For L Visa:


Document showing the itinerary including air tickets booking record (round trip) and proof of a hotel reservation, etc. or an invitation letter issued by a relevant entity or individual in China. The invitation letter should contain:

1). Information on the applicant (full name, gender, date of birth, and etc).

2). Information on the planned visit (arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, etc.)

3). Information on the inviting entity or individual (name, contact telephone number, address, official stamp, signature of the legal representative or the inviting individual)


Please refer to Consulate website for the detailed supporting document requirement for all other visa types.


Please follow instructions published by the Chinese Consulate Office in Chicago: http://www.chinaconsulatechicago.org


KCCAA Processing Fee (Cash/Check/Money Order): $40 (KCCAA member), $50 (Non-member) per passport


No need to pay separate shipping if you plan to pick up your passport/visa from KCCAA. Usually passport/visa will be ready for pick-up in 2 weeks, and KCCAA will contact you directly.


The Fifth KCCAA Community Service Award

In 2010, the Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA) established an annual KCCAA Community Service Award to encourage primary and secondary school students in the greater Kansas City area to develop stronger awareness of public service and to participate actively in community service. In the past four years we have seen an increasing number of young students involving in volunteer works, particularly under the leadership of KCCAA Youth Hope Fund.  This year will be the fifth year we give out awards, and the three categories will be as follows: first place award: $300; second place award $200; third place award: $100.  

This award may be offered to any primary or secondary school student in the greater Kansas City area and any qualified student may apply.

An applicant must:

1.    Be an elementary or secondary school student (grades 1 through 12).

2.    Have participated in some form of voluntary work or community service (without compensation) during the past year.

3.    Submit an application letter no more than one page (letter size or A4). The application statement should include the student’s name, school, and contact information for school; a description of the community service experience; the student’s reflections on lessons learned from that experience; name and contact information for the supervisor of the community service experience.

Applications must be received by January 21, 2015. The Education Committee of the Kansas City Chinese American Association will review the applications and determine the final list of awardees. The awards will be presented in a ceremony to be held during the KCCAA Chinese New Year Gala on January 31st, 2015 at JCCC Yardley Hall.

The Kansas City Chinese Association is grateful to Waddell & Reed Financials and Ivy Funds for generously providing funding for this award.

Please submit applications to kccaa.award@gmail.com by January 21, 2015.



为鼓励大堪城地区中小学生培养公共服务意识,积极参加社区服务,堪城中美联合会于2010年特别设立年度KCCAA社区服务奖。在过去四年中我们高兴地看到在KCCAA Youth Hope Fund带领下,越来越多的年轻学生投入到义务服务。今年是我们第四次颁发社区服务奖励,本年度一等奖奖金300元;二等奖奖金每人200元;三等奖奖金每人100元。






KCCAA社区服务奖金由Waddell & Reed Financials暨Ivy Funds提供赞助,在此一并感谢。

请在2015年1月21日前将申请信发到           kccaa.award@gmail.com