除夕之夜陪你过大年 KCCAA除夕春晚团队介绍-2






堪城现代中文学校舞蹈队成立几年来,也遇到过各种困难,主要的困难一是时间比较紧张,中文学校每学期十六周上课时间,每节课都有相应的教学安排,要在完成规定的教学任务同时,保证排练时间和节目质量,学校、老师和同学们都付出了很多努力,尤其是郑敏颐和魏嘉老师,为了保证节目质量,不仅在课外花很多时间编排准备节目,演出临近更是夜以继日地辛劳。此外是排练场地的困难,因为场地的限制,也为了保证每个年龄段的学生都得到相应的成长空间,学校特别在校外租借了专业的舞蹈教室为大孩子开班上课。当然还有每年为准备春晚节目都需要不少的资金支持,这也是学校和家长所必须面对的另一个困难,更别说每年从国内订服装,然后拜托朋友、家长从中国带服装道具回来的艰难不易了··· 不过,当他们克服了重重困难,以更成熟和完美的舞技亮相在KCCAA春晚舞台上的时候,总是觉得所有的努力都是值得的,如2019年在KCCAA春晚舞台上推出的《花木兰》更是超燃亮相,展现出中华一代巾帼英雄史诗。


除夕之夜陪你过大年 KCCAA除夕春晚团队介绍-1


KCCAA舞蹈队每年以婀娜多姿美不胜收的舞姿出现在春晚舞台上,今年将以激情似火的开场舞亮相。成立于2009年,由热爱舞蹈、热爱生活的一群人组成。在过去的10多年里,在堪城春晚的舞台上享受尽情演出的快乐!《放风筝》,《秀色》,《风酥雨忆》等等。2018年春晚的《百花争妍》,缭绕的白玉长袖纵横交错,水袖当空舞出朵朵花团,光影下似盛开的大丽菊,争奇斗艳,看不尽的妖娆,品不完的妩媚。 2019年的《美落子》,落花纷飞中,手持绸扇,云鬓贴花的美人们从花丛中款款走来,仿若美丽的花仙子落入人间,她们灵动、轻盈、旋转、跳跃、娇嗔、浅笑,绸扇上下翻飞,舞出花朵片片,美不胜收! 2020年,疫情前的最后一个舞台上的春晚,舞蹈《渔光曲》呈现了老上海的弄堂,清晨的烟灰色旗袍,象黑白的老照片,一群娇俏的旧上海女子,借着小板凳和蒲扇,在弄堂里起舞,眺盼亲人归家…… 悠扬的曲风,典雅婀娜的造型,这个舞蹈加上独特的老上海石库门背景,把我们带回到过往,那个充满烟火气的时代。疫情的三年,KCCAA舞蹈队依旧活跃在线上的春晚舞台,给大家带来不一样的感受。



时间:Saturday, January 21, 2023
地点:Midwest Trust Center, Johnson County Community College
12345 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66210
1. 晚7:00开始
2. Midwest trust center-Yardley Hall
4. 票价15$,团购票10$ (5张及以上),学生票10$
3. 购票链接:https://jccc.universitytickets.com/w/event.aspx?id=1663
1. 中午12:30-下午3:30
2. Midwest trust center-room 128
3. 报名表:https://forms.gle/EzNY5FeyzpySrZed7
1. 下午3:00-5:00
2. Midwest trust center-lobby
3. 传统文化,游戏,抽奖等活动年味满满!

The Fourth KCCAA Community Service Award winners

First Place: Cindy Wang
Second Place: Charles Li, Elaine Zhu, Mulan Jiang
Third Place: Lucy Li, Michael Chu, Austin Tang, Amanda Li, April Ma, Eric Zhao, Anna Tang


In 2010, the Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA) established an annual KCCAA Community Service Award to encourage primary and secondary school students in the greater Kansas City area to develop stronger awareness of public service and to participate actively in community service. In the past four years we have seen an increasing number of young students involving in volunteer works, particularly under the leadership of KCCAA Youth Hope Fund. This year will be the fourth year we give out awards, and the three categories will be as follows: first place award: $300; second place award $200; third place award: $100.


This award may be offered to any primary or secondary school student in the greater Kansas City area and any qualified student may apply.


An applicant must:

  1. Be an elementary or secondary school student (grades 1 through 12).

  2. Have participated in some form of voluntary work or community service (without compensation) during the past year.

  3. Submit an application letter no more than one page (letter size or A4). The application statement should include the student’s name, school, and contact information for school; a description of the community service experience; the student’s reflections on lessons learned from that experience; name and contact information for the supervisor of the community service experience.


Applications must be received by January 10th, 2014. The Education Committee of the Kansas City Chinese American Association will review the applications and determine the final list of awardees. The awards will be presented in a ceremony to be held during the KCCAA Chinese New Year Gala on January 19th, 2014 at JCCC Yardley Hall.


The Kansas City Chinese Association is grateful to Waddell & Reed Financials and Ivy Funds for generously providing funding for this award.


Please submit applications to kccaa.award@gmail.com by January 10th, 2014.





为鼓励大堪城地区中小学生培养公共服务意识,积极参加社区服务,堪城中美联合会于2010年特别设立年度KCCAA社区服务奖。在过去四年中我们高兴地看到在KCCAA Youth Hope Fund带领下,越来越多的年轻学生投入到义务服务。今年是我们第四次颁发社区服务奖励,本年度一等奖奖金300元;二等奖奖金每人200元;三等奖奖金每人100元。










KCCAA社区服务奖金由Waddell & Reed Financials暨Ivy Funds提供赞助,在此一并感谢。


请在2014年1月10日前将申请信发到 kccaa.award@gmail.com



Kansas City Chinese Speech Contest For Youth, University Students, and Adults

Kansas City Chinese Speech Contest

For Youth, University Students, and Adults


Information and Registration Form

Sponsored by the Confucius Institute of the University of Kansas, the Center for East Asian Studies of the University of Kansas

and the Kansas City Chinese American Association


         Preliminary Competition by Video Submission Due Friday, January 10, 2014

Final Competition January 19, 2014

9am to 12pm, Awards Ceremony at 12:30pm

Johnson County Community College (exact times to be confirmed)

Eligibility: Students currently enrolled in a Chinese program in any K12 school, university, or Chinese weekend school (or homeschool Chinese program), and adult learners are eligible. All contestants must be recommended by their respective Chinese language teacher (can be parent/homeschool teacher).

Please email the form below (can be in the body of an email) as instructed. Contestants should then submit a video entry by uploading it onto YouTube using the “Unlisted” privacy setting, then email the link to your video to ciku@ku.edu.

Here is a link to the YouTube help page on Unlisted videos: http://preview.tinyurl.com/bgp6cqt

In your email with the link, please include the following text:

By emailing the link to my “Unlisted” YouTube video, I hereby give permission for Kansas City Chinese Speech Contest judges to view and judge my speech competition entry.

The top contestants in each division will be invited to compete in the finals at Johnson County Community College on January 19, 2014.

Technical requirements:

Please record your video in MPEG-4

Do not add background music or other sound effects; Do not use PowerPoint, props, or other visual aids; Outdoor or indoor backgrounds are acceptable.

A quiet environment, with as little ambient noise as possible, is recommended

Videocamera angle should show the speaker’s head and shoulders (or from the waist up).


All speeches should be memorized and delivered in Mandarin Chinese without notes, printed materials, or Powerpoint. The contestant should compose his or her original speech. Speeches may quote other authors’ works but the majority of the work should be original. The contestant’s teacher may check the accuracy of the speech and suggest edits consistent with the student’s level of training.

The speech time limits and themes for each division are listed below.

It is the responsibility of the contestant’s teacher to place each student in the most appropriate category commensurate with the student’s training. The organizing committee, however, reserves