author: Jingqian Hu
1月25日 — 大年初一,老地方:连续举办了十多年春晚的 JCCC Yardley Hall;老时间:晚七点;KCCAA的年度大戏 — 春晚,将正点拉开帷幕。
Time flies! It’s near the end of the year again.
2020,the Spring Festival of the Lunar Year of the Rat is around the corner.
Once again, KCCAA has started the rally to watch the Spring Festival Gala and celebrate the New Year.
January 25 — New Year’s Day, same Place: JCCC Yardley Hall, which has held more than ten years of Spring Festival Gala; same time: 7 pm; KCCAA’s annual drama — Spring Festival Gala, will begin on time.
Last year we reviewed the wonderful moments of the Spring Festival Gala together. Now we will talk about those people behind the Spring Festival Gala and their efforts.
In this article, we will talk about three key figures behind the Spring Festival Gala,
First vice president, Ms. Chunyan Qiu
The current president, Mr. Che Fei
The chairman and former president, Mr. Rong Lei.
First vice president, Ms. Chunyan Qiu
For more than ten years, Ms. Qiu has been devoted to various preparations for the Spring Festival Gala, especially responsible for designing the layout of all the venues for the celebrations on the day of the Spring Festival Gala, preparing decorative materials, and managing the organization staff to arrange them properly in each venue. Since 2016, Ms. Qiu has been the director of the Spring Festival Evening
In preparation for the community’s annual Spring Festival Gala, Director Qiu began her planning, collecting and selecting programs in April each year.
To ensure the success of the Gala, Director Qiu did a lot of work. In her Spring Festival Gala memo over the years, from program planning to division of labor and coordination, from coordinating the performance team to arranging the production of the background video of the show, from conceiving and designing the performance process to rehearsal to check the performance of the stage performance, from urging contact with sponsors to arranging various advertisements on the network Distribution on social media, from the confirmation of ticket sales points to the control of program listings and host manuscripts, from the employment of camera photographers to the statistics of the catering of the cast members … The preparations are meticulous and adequate. Implementing these details one by one needs huge efforts. Director Qiu invested a lot of time and energy for this.
When asked about the original intention of serving the Chinese community, Director Qiu said: “The Spring Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese community and a day when many overseas Chinese gather to celebrate. Every year, more than 1,000 enthusiastic audiences are waiting at the Gala, Greet the coming of the new year with us, feel the joy of the new year. It is a happy and meaningful thing to accompany everyone to celebrate the new year. Therefore, I have been tirelessly volunteering for more than ten years of the Spring Festival Gala. ”
The enthusiastic applause at the Spring Festival Gala and the “box office rate” that is increasing year by year is the audience’s greatest affirmation of the hard work of Director Qiu and her Spring Festival Gala team.
多年来,春燕女士一直是社区活动的实践者和主要组织者之一。她是春晚的总导演,她也是舞台上的舞者和歌者。作为堪城中美联合会KCCAA的第一副会长,谈到这些年来为华人社区主要事务所做的努力和贡献时,她却是这样一语带过, “贡献谈不上,区区小事,不足挂齿,但我还会一直努力下去,愿意为华人社区服务尽自己的一份绵薄之力” 。
For many years, Ms. Qiu has been a practitioner and one of the main organizers of community events. She is the director of the Spring Festival Gala. She is also a dancer and singer on stage. As the first vice-chairman of the KCCAA, when she talked about the efforts and contributions to the Chinese community over the years, she said, “I’m glad I can contribute to the community. I will continue to work hard and be willing to do my part to serve the Chinese community. ”
The current president of KCCAA, Mr. Che Fei – One of the main organizers and coordinators of Spring Festival Gala
2008年汶川地震后,堪城中美联合会KCCAA组织华人社区和美国社区积极捐款支援震区。当时,到堪城不久的车飞先生积极参与并组织单位同事捐款,为震区重建尽一份力。在活动过程中,为中美联合会的组织者和志愿者的热情奉献和为社区服务的精神所感动。在随后的几年时间,他开始加入KCCAA的志愿者行列,参与社区的各种活动,包括历年春晚的后勤服务。2018年,接任堪城中美联合会KCCAA会长后,车飞先生更深入地参与到堪城春晚的组织协调工作中。他说: “春晚,是中美联合会社区服务和文化交流的重要部分。多年以来,中美联合会的春晚已经深入人心,成为我们每年的固定节目。我更加深刻体会到责任重大。为了给华人社区奉献一台精彩的春晚,从导演,演员,组织者,到众多的志愿者都出了很多心血。每次收到观众的好评让我觉得很欣慰,也激励我们把今后的工作做得更好。”
After the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, KCCAA organized an active donation to support the quake zone. At that time, Mr. Che who just moved to Kansas, actively participated in and organized colleagues to donate to the reconstruction of the earthquake zone. During the event, Mr. Che was touched by the enthusiastic dedication of the organizers and volunteers of KCCAA and the spirit of serving the community. In the following years, he began to join KCCAA volunteers, participating in various activities in the community, including logistic services for Spring Festival Gala over the years. In 2018, after taking over the president of the KCCAA, Mr. Che involved even more in organizing and coordinating of the Spring Festival Gala. He said, “The Spring Festival Gala is an important part of the community service and cultural exchanges of KCCAA. Over the years, the Spring Festival Gala has become popular among us and has become a regular program of ours every year. I deeply understand the great responsibility. The Chinese community dedicates a wonderful Spring Festival Gala, from directors, actors, organizers, to many volunteers. A lot of hard work has been done. Every time I receive praise from the audience, I feel very happy, and also motivate us to do our future work better.”
2018年初,会长车飞,前任会长荣磊,春晚导演丘春燕带领堪城中美联合会KCCAA团队,成功承办了中国驻芝加哥总领馆主办的 “祖国陪你过年” 江西省歌舞团慰侨演出的活动,受到堪城华人华侨及美国社区的肯定。
At the beginning of 2018, President Che, former President Rong, and Spring Festival Gala Director Qiu led the KCCAA team successfully co-hosted the “Happy New Year from beautiful Jingxi” with the Chinese Consulate General in Chicago. The activities of the performance were recognized by mainland Chinese, overseas Chinese and the American community.
展望下一阶段KCCAA的工作规划, 车飞会长说:“我们会进一步弘扬中国传统文化,推动文化交流和社区服务,鼓励和支持华人社区,尤其是我们的下一代积极投身社区建设。”
In terms of KCCAA’s future plan, President Che said: “We will further promote traditional Chinese culture, promote cultural exchanges and community services, encourage and support the Chinese community, especially our next generation, to actively participate in community development.”
The chairman and former president of KCCAA, Mr. Lei Rong. In previous Spring Festival Gala, he has played different roles such as actor, director and host.
2001年研究生毕业后,荣磊先生来到堪城。随着工作和事业的发展,他渐渐地意识到社区服务在生活中的重要性。继2008年汶川地震募捐的活动之后,荣磊先生开始更多地参与华人社区的活动,深感有一种责任和义务在社区多做些促进中美文化,教育发展和交流的工作。他不仅仅服务于堪城中美联合会KCCAA,自2016年以来,同时担任埃德加. 斯诺基金会(Edgar Snow Memorial Foundation)的理事。在荣磊先生看来,堪城是自己的家,华人社区是自己的社区,为自己的社区服务是理所应当!服务社区已经成了他生活中必不可少的一部分。
After graduating from graduate school in 2001, Mr. Rong came to Kansas. As the development of work and career, he gradually realized the importance of community service in life. Following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake fundraising event, Mr. Rong began to participate more in the activities in Chinese community. He felt a responsibility and obligation to do more work in the community to promote Sino-American culture, education development and exchanges. He has not only served the KCCAA, but has also been a director of the Edgar Snow Memorial Foundation since 2016. In Mr. Rong’s opinion, Kansas is his home, the Chinese community is his own community, and serving his own community is justified! Serving the community has become an essential part of his life.
Everyone may remember the “Cultures of China Festival of Spring” event in early 2017. That year Kansas located in the central part of China did not have a large number of Chinese people, yet successfully hosted the first performance of the North American Overseas Chinese Show sponsored by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council. This is inseparable from the work done by the then president Rong and the directors.
1)增强团结和合作: 不论堪城有多少华人组织,我们都是一个种族,都代表华人。团结和合作会让我们的社区更强,更有影响力。
2)增加青少年对社区服务的支持: 帮助和带动年轻的一代投入到社会服务中,为下一代争取更大,更好的发展空间和平台。
Regarding the praise and affirmation from the community, Mr. Rong said, “It is my honor to serve our Chinese community, and I thank you for your trust and support.” As the former president and current chairman of the KCCAA, when talking about the future work of the community, he put forward his own ideas:
1) Strengthening unity and cooperation. No matter how many Chinese organizations there are in Kansas, we are all one race and all represent Chinese. Unity and cooperation will make our communities stronger and more influential.
2) Increase youth support for community services. Help and motivate the younger generation to invest in social services, and strive for a larger and better development space and platform for the next generation.
3) Increasing the diversity of community services. In accordance with changes in the community structure, advance with the times and adjust service functions in a timely manner to meet the community’s service needs.
KCCAA Spring Festival Evening Stage is a beautiful cultural landscape of the Kansas Chinese community.
This stage embodies the emotions of our homesickness. This stage witnesses the inheritance of traditional culture by overseas Chinese.
We pay tribute to those who serve the community and contribute to its prosperity!
We look forward to more of you, me, he / she, in the community to join the family of community service, and build the community together!
May the future of our community be even better!
Wish the best of luck in the year of the rat and happy family!